Purpose Will Light the Way

I’ve gained a sense of purpose since working on my first book entitled The Power of I AM: A Journey to Self. My work and life have aligned in unimaginable ways.

As I began the storytelling journey, I found new confidence in expressing myself without boundaries. I intentionally chose stories that would make you stop and think, re-strategize, pray and choose confidence. The Power of I AM: A Journey to Self is living proof that anything is possible. I began afraid but finished in power.

In my first book, I am vulnerable in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. God gave me confidence, alignment, and purpose to inspire you beyond what you believe.

Regardless of your current circumstance, I want you to know that with purpose your life will find new meaning. Unbelief shall bend the knee to faith.

Finishing The Power of I AM: A Journey to Self has been the honor of my life. There was once a time where I couldn’t have imagined writing a book, but with the completion of this assignment I’ve found power, protection, and direction.

If you feel lost, unheard, confused, or misguided, a sense of purpose is what you need.

To be alive is not only a blessing but a promise of a future.

From my heart to your hands, is the most powerful assignment of my life. May you remain steadfast in your pursuit of the journey God has for you.

Pre-Order The Power of I AM: A Journey to Self now!

Purpose Will Light The Way is part of a weekly seven-part series entitled: The Power Revealed.

Check back weekly for the next step.